Dr. Franz Graf during the lecture Photo: JOANNEUM RESEARCH

Fire Protection and Safety in Tunnels

On September 23 and 24, 2015, the conference "Fire Protection and Safety in Tunnels" took place in Sandvika (near Oslo) in Norway. More than 150 participants from 17 countries discussed the new developments and findings in the field of tunnel safety.

JOANNEUM RESEARCH acted as "Silver Sponsor" at this conference and presented one of its flagship products "AKUT® - Acoustic Tunnel Monitoring". With the presentation on "Rapid Incident Detection through Acoustic Tunnel Monitoring", Dr. Franz Graf showed the tunnel experts a new safety system that can drastically reduce the response time in case of an incident.

At the JOANNEUM RESEARCH booth after the presentation, interesting discussions took place with tunnel operators from Scandinavia, who see a great potential of Acoustic Tunnel Monitoring also in the long fjord tunnels.



DI Bernhard Rettenbacher and Dr. Franz Graf at the AKUT® booth Credit: JOANNEUM RESEARCH